Also in the works at Parallel University Press: Ava Fixel, Leia Fixel, and Juliet Fixel are rumored to be working on a manual sharing their experience in establishing and running a successful performing arts camp. There’s nothing more synergistic than a performing arts camp associated with a school drama department. Not only will it fund your program, it can create jobs for teachers, students, and alumni, and attract future students to your program. It can quickly become a positive force in your school and your community. The guidebook will get you off to a running start and provide continuing guidance as your program matures. Consulting services are also available.
International Thespian Troupe 6174 production of Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice. At the top of the platform, the disembodied elevator doors, which descend from the world of the living above. Ruhl requires that it rain inside the elevator not once but twice. Most of the angular facets seen in the set are painted effects.
Coming soon from Parallel University Press
MICHAEL FIXEL is a playwright and scenic designer as well as a teacher of vipassana meditation. After graduating from Columbia University, he spent two years in India and Nepal, and then lived in Boulder, Colorado, where he studied with Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, and Michael McClure.

Are there tricks, or even deliberate techniques, which can unlock the creativity within us? This workshop, aimed primarily at writers but applicable to all of the creative arts as well as to life in general, is part of an ongoing exploration of the mysteries of inspiration. It is conducted as a roundtable to which participants can bring their stories of being flooded with light, or of having something locked inside them, struggling to get out. Michael Fixel’s contribution includes tales from his journey to the mystic East and his encounters with an ascended master (or at least a really smart guy), as well as experiential guidance along the path of meditation.